Monday, August 18, 2008

A Great Day!

Yesterday was great! Our teens and kids did great sharing from Youth Week and VBS. Both services had large numbers, especially the second where we had several folks standing in the back and in the foyer. We had a lot of guests, so hopefully some connections were made. If they do not have a church home, we'll pray that they find one (I'd like for it to be us!) It was a fun time.

A cool thing that we did at the end of the second service, we handed out ice cream sandwiches and nutty buddies to everyone. That was really fun. It was fun to see our guests relax and enjoy it. I heard "I've never been to a church that did anything like that". Cool!

Our baptismal celebration was awesome! We had 15 to get baptized! Wow! The weather was perfect. It was a great time. We stayed around at Dan and Ann's till dark, talking, laughing, eating and having a great time. What a great day!

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