Over the years I have enjoyed working out at a gym. It started in junior high when our PE teacher introduced us to the Universal Gym. I really got serious about lifting weights when I was in high school getting ready for football. I continued some in college and seminary. However, since moving to Bagley Swamp nine years ago, I haven't joined a gym and worked out regularly with weights.
We joined a few weeks ago, and I'd forgotton how much I enjoy lifting weights. Here is the crazy thing - I'm getting up and working out at the Y and getting home before the kids even leave for school. I can't believe that I'm getting up that early - it's not easy, but it feels great to start my day that way.
So far, I have more energy and feel great. In my life, I have found that when I am in better physical shape, I tend to do spiritually. When I become more disciplined physically, I am more disciplined spiritually.
One of my favorite verses is on the wall at the Y where I see it every morning: For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come (1 Timothy 4:8)
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