Thursday, December 31, 2009

Number 365

Today I listened to the last Daily Audio Bible podcast of the year, therefore have listened to the entire Bible in 2009. Yeah!

I plan to listen again in 2010 and so can you. The Bible is divided into 365 daily readings, with each day having a reading from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs. The readers will offer some introduction to each book of the Bible and will usually offer some insight after each day's reading. Check it out at

Here's the easy part, the days that I couldn't get the podcast due to being away, it was real easy to catch up. I could listen to more than one at a time while traveling, exercising, or whatever.

I don't suggest that you just listen to the Bible and never read - but I have found this to be a great supplement to my regular study. Join me in 2010.

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