Our church had a "Town Hall" this past Sunday where we shared some exciting plans for the future. We have experienced some growth over the past several years and are running out of space. We have known for some time that we need some type of new facility. We currently own around 17 acres across the road from our current facility. That acreage, however, is long and narrow and we would have limited access to any new facility that we would build. We shared Sunday that we have the opportunity to purchase the adjacent property at a real reasonable price. By purchasing this additional property we would basically have a block of 25 acres with road frontage on two different roads. Praise God!
Needless to say, we're excited!
Our next step is for the church membership to approve this purchase. We plan to have meeting on January 27 for this purpose.
It's really exciting and it seems that the possibilities of what God can do are limitless. Also, for all that excitement, it can be a little scary since we're stepping out there where we haven't gone before. Would you be willing to pray for us as we move forward in this process?
Pastor James,
I'm excited for you. Excitement must be contagious...I hope it spreads through Goldsboro NC. Your excitment seems to come from vision. I think the Bagley Swamp Church sees God's future plan for ministry. It looks like a big vision...God sized.
On a lighter note, did anyone see the UNC/NC State basketball game? Now, that was also exciting!
Pastor James,
I will join you and the folks there in prayer that the Lord will enable you to saee the land purchase and a new building happen. I will also pledge to you to do everything I can to help you see this come about. I appreciate you and your leadership.
Pastor Dan
I will love to pray for your growth during this exciting time, I have visited your church several times,and have some members of your church as friends, and I thank you and your members for who they are in Christ
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