Today the projects were finished up. The Craigsville crew finished at Frank and Jane's house. They were impacted by and made an impact on Frank and Jane. The crew saw God at work in their conversations and in their physical improvements to their house.
The new door was installed at the Faith UMC church. Now the church is more secure and looks better. The crew was able to talk a lot to Pastor Kelly. Faith UMC is her first church to solo pastor and I believe our crew was a big encouragement to her. She was able to eat lunch with us today at Dairy Queen.
The work at Ms. Helen Sears home was completed today. The plumbing was fixed several days ago, but Edward, Todd and Annie went back today to do some cosmetic work in the bathroom and to talk to her. A lot of her family stopped by while they were there. They left a Bible with her.
After supper at the pantry, some of us went to Wal-Mart in Summersville (4 guys). Eight of us went to the skating rink in Richwood. We were able to have fun and talk with several folks. We weren't able to do an outreach type event like we had hoped since we never got in touch with the owners. We were able to spend time with those running it, and they have a big heart for the kids in Richwood. They told us that the swimming pool will re-open this summer (closed for 5 years). They were excited because it will give the kids and teens something to do and a gathering place. I was very encouraged by what I saw and the conversations that I had.
We have seen God at work in our lives this week. We know that God has used us and has worked in our lives. We look forward to how God will continue to work in our lives as we return to Bagley Swamp tomorrow. We plan to be home by supper.
Will pray for your safe travel tomorrow.
I am sure that the folks there are thankful for all you have done and the Love you have shown.
Four guys in a Wal-Mart huh? I don't suppose all of you were crammed up by the candles checking out the smells like it would be if 4 women were together at the same place? Nah! It was probably the electronics department you took over.
Will be glad to have you home Veronica!(my favorite sister) I didn't realize how much you do for mom until I've been here doing it all alone this week! Whew! Love you!
Praying constantly today for our folks to come home safely!
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